“Safe but Heartbroken: The McNally House Lost to Flames”


It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that the McNally House is no longer standing. The home we poured three years of love, time, and dedication into restoring has been reduced to ashes. Every detail we carefully crafted, every memory we built within its walls, is now gone. Along with it, we have lost nearly everything we owned—cherished belongings, heirlooms, and countless personal treasures that held a lifetime of meaning.

Yet, in the midst of this devastation, we are reminded of what truly matters: we are safe. Despite the loss of material possessions and the heartbreak of seeing the McNally House destroyed, we are incredibly grateful to have each other and to be alive. The flames may have taken away our home and so much of what we held dear, but they have not taken our spirit or our determination to move forward.

This is a time to reflect, to mourn what has been lost, and to summon the courage to rebuild. Starting over will not be easy, and the road ahead may feel daunting at times, but we are ready to embrace it with hope and resilience. The McNally House was more than just a structure—it was a symbol of our dreams, creativity, and hard work. While the house may be gone, those qualities remain within us and will guide us as we start anew.

We are deeply thankful for the outpouring of love and support from our community, friends, and family. Your encouragement means the world to us and reminds us that we are not alone in this journey. Though the loss feels immense, we look ahead with faith in what the future holds and gratitude for the chance to rebuild, together.


“Safe but Heartbroken: The McNally House Lost to Flames”

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